Integrative Consultation

Integrative Consultation
We take an in-depth, multidisciplinary approach to understanding signs and symptoms, aiming to uncover the root causes of pathologies and dysfunctions by considering the body as a whole.
Our consultation includes the following tests:
– Live Blood Analysis: This involves direct observation of blood components, including red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma elements such as proteins, fibrin, toxins, and crystals. We use a dark field microscope to assess nutritional deficiencies (vitamins and minerals), evaluate the patient’s immune capacity, digestive system function, oxidation levels, toxin presence, and blood fluidity.
– Bioresonance analysis: This non-invasive bioenergetic test examines the energetic frequencies throughout the body, enabling us to detect imbalances and energy shifts well before they manifest physically. We employ a range of tools to restore balance as needed, including dietary adjustments, homeopathy, homotoxicology, Bach flowers, microimmunotherapy, functional micronutrition, herbal medicine, orthomolecular therapy, aromatherapy, gemmotherapy, and emotional therapy (such as emotional bio decoding, NGM and systemic consciousness work).